It comes with great pride and enthusiasm to present our Video of the Year Winners for the 2017 Competition Season out of 125 nominees and 12,192 unique votes.
Starz of Tomorrow VOY Winner –‘Cleanin’ Up The Town‘ – Dance Connection – Denver, CO
Rising Starz VOY Winner -‘Haunted‘ -JDI Dance Company – Redondo Beach, CA
Elite Starz VOY Winner – ‘Because We Can‘ – Kathy’s Dance Co. – Grand Rapids, MI
Within the next six weeks, our Social Video Strategist will be visiting each and every Winning Studio to create a custom video montage that highlights and celebrates the award winning routine, studio director(s), teacher(s), choreographer(s) dancers, and their families. This professional custom video will be available as a Rainbow Dance TV YouTube episode and shared on all of Rainbow’s social media platforms.
We are proud of this unique and very special award that has showcased and honored dance studios since 2012.